This company with registration no. 201915456D was established and founded by like-minded business enterpreneurs
who shared a common goal by working diligently to create and add-value to our clients so that they are able to reap the cost
efficiency and benefits from our products and services.
Registered Company Address
3 Philip Street, #19-02, Royal Group Building, Singapore 048693.
Royal Group Building, Singapore
Royal Group Building is a prestigious commercial and office tower in the heart of
Singapore’s Central Business District, well-positioned as one of the world’s most
business-friendly places. Asia’s growing economy has led to an increase in the demand
for such office space across the region. Our company decided to tap onto this favourable
and prime location to conduct our businesses.
Company Logo
The company logo of a tree represents a symbol of strength,
growth. The first word “ EVERGREEN” signifies that our
company will always strive to be fresh and filled with positive
energy, and remaining popular among our stakeholders.
The branches and different colours of the leaves represent
reaching out to seek business opportunities in diverse
directions and services across multiple industries.
Our mission & vision
Evergreen Technology and Consultancy's mission is:-
- To be the most preferred consultancy & service provider both locally and abroad.
- To provide exceptional quality, service and value to our customers.
- To create more job opportunities and projects for every nationality in any parts of
Asia Pacific.
To be the most reliable and result oriented, well respected and valued Technology and
Consultancy service and solution provider.